As an artist, sooner or later you’ll have to take a decision about how to make yourself known on social networking sites and how to create your own website.
However, there are so many options that it’s difficult to choose; as if an artist’s life wasn’t hard enough already! In this post, we would like to give you some tips on the best way to get on the Internet and not die trying.
First of all, you should ask yourself what the objective of your website will be: an opportunity for your clients and admirers to see your latest artwork, a place for them to buy your work online, or a way to find you easily on search engines? Once you’ve decided on your objectives, you’ll have to plan the structure and contents carefully. What’s more, you’ll have to decide how to build your website. Here are some of the options:
1. I’m going to create my own website.
If that’s what you decide to do, you’ll have to take some programming courses to learn how to create your website with languages like html, php, or css.
Alternatively, if you’re not prepared to learn how to program just yet, you’ll have to choose a platform that offers you the necessary tools to create your website, or use a Word Press template.
a. If you have been seduced by advertising and decide to choose the first option, there are many companies that give you the choice to create your own website. However, you should keep in mind that it isn’t enough to just create the website. If you want your online presence to be effective, you’ll have to do a lot of maintenance and updating tasks, some of which aren’t so easy. That’s why you’ll have to set some time aside every week for the maintenance of your website.
One big disadvantage of some of these platforms is that when you decide to move to another one, you may find that you can’t take the files and data of your website with you, so you lose everything.
Bokobo Advice: If you’re going to create your own website for your work, no matter how simple it is, make sure you can access all your files and are allowed to migrate to another platform or hosting company at any moment.
b. You can also decide to make a website withWordPress, on a web hosting server. To create this type of website you need a basic knowledge of computers, be a proficient Photoshop user, know a little html, have a good working knowledge of image processing and know how to write a good text.
¿How should you start?
First, you have to choose the name of your website, or url, and your hosting server; there are many offers on the market, from 80,00 euros a year, or even less.
After that, you have to install WordPress and choose a template. If you have no idea how to start, there are lots of free, or cheap courses that can help you with this. Try this course by
Lastly, you have to do the navigation planning of your website, write the texts and upload the images. Don’t forget to configure your contact forms, because they are the key to the success of your Artist Website. And remember that WordPressalso requires constant updates, maintenance and spam cleaning.
However, with this option you’ll have complete control over your website, so you’ll always be able to maintain it the way you want it, or migrate to other servers if you need to.
2. I have no intention of creating my own Website.
If you don’t get on with computers, if you have no idea how to use a keyboard and the mouse gives you the creeps, the best thing for you is an art platform that allows you to participate as an artist.
We’d like to recommend; a platform created by and for artists. Our platform provides you with all the necessary facilities to upload your work: an intuitive interface, fast navigation and free maintenance. You don’t have to worry about updates, hosting payments, or renovations. What’s more, whenever you need some advice, you can call us or send us an email.
The artist profiles have been designed to offer total visibility, include artworks, a longish presentation, as well as links to all social networking sites.
Exactly what you were looking for.
We hope that this short introduction will help you get your online presence. In the next posts, we’ll talk about social networking sites and their advantages and disadvantages. If you have any doubts, you can send us an email, and if there’s any topic you’re particularly interested in, do send us your suggestions.
Belén Cofiño – webmaster de
Translation by: Margie Lemmens